By Luci Janssen
Camille Saint-Saëns hums softly,
he strolls sun-dappled alleys.
He searches for a theme as notes promenade
across his mind and block his pathway.
—notes ajumble until composed—
playful sounds of a nearby fountain
entice him forward to the water’s edge.
He pauses with fermata-arched brow,
glories at a white-brocaded ripple,
tilts his head nearer the water,
sees a glint of iridescence and smiles.
She flaunts her gossamer tail,
lures him closer with her beauty—
splashes his face with a mirthful flick!
She fancies to catch herself a suitor,
blows flirty, bubble kisses to make him swoon,
peeks coyly through the liquid veil,
moves with the grace of Anna Pavlova,
tantalizes him with swirling pirouettes,
bursts into a grand jeté aquatique!
“Bravo!” He claps with effervescent delight—
her lyrical movements beguile him,
flood his every heart chamber with music.
“Enchanté, ma petite chérie tu es ma muse.”
Luci Janssen is a poet and lyricist. Her poems are published in the anthologies Rare Feathers, Buzz, and To Give Life a Shape. Luci ‘s poem “Beescape” appears in Chasing Daphne. Her poems are featured in the jazz album, Artistry. Luci’s lyrics to “Once More” are published by A Muse Press.